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3 Signs You Need a Brake Fluid Change

Unsure when to change your brake fluid? In this post, we’ll discuss the signs that indicate it’s time for a fluid change, such as discoloration, a spongy brake pedal, and regular maintenance intervals. We’ll also cover the importance of maintaining proper brake fluid levels for your vehicle’s safety and performance.

You may notice it’s time for a brake fluid change by checking the fluid to see if it's still fresh. Look in the brake fluid reservoir, usually located on the master cylinder under your hood. Brake fluid color is typically light brown, light golden, or clear (unless it's dirty or darkened with age). If the fluid looks murky, have it tested at one of our mechanic shop locations for moisture buildup, and we'll give you our best recommendation.

The general recommendation is to flush or change your brake fluid every 50,000 km. The three signs you probably need your brake fluid changed include:

  1. Your ABS light comes on

  2. Brake pedal problems

  3. Brake pad noise or malfunctioning

brake fluid reservoir

Warning Signs Suggesting a Brake Fluid Change

ABS Brake Light Is On

One indicator that you need to change your brake fluid or top it up is when the Anti-Lock Braking System (ABS) light on your dashboard lights up. While later model vehicles may not have an ABS indicator, newer vehicles with this feature will alert you if something is wrong with your brakes or fluid.

Brake Pedal Problems

Another sign your brake fluid is low or needs to be replaced is if your brake pedal is not responding normally. You may experience a harder or spongy brake pedal feel, or the pedal may go to the floor. This could mean your brake fluid is contaminated, low, or there is air trapped in the braking system.

Brake Pad Noise Malfunction

If your braking system is low on fluid or the fluid is old and due for replacement, you may begin to hear brake noise. When your brake fluid is dirty, low, or needs changing, it has a harder time flowing through the lines, creating constant friction against your brake disc rotors.

How Much Does a Brake Fluid Change Cost?

The average brake fluid change cost across all makes and models is $89 - $139. Labor typically makes up the bulk of the price for a brake fluid change, while the brake fluid itself is relatively inexpensive unless it's a high-performance grade.

It's a fairly straightforward service, and we'll have you on your way with fresh brake fluid swiftly. The price may vary depending on whether you take your vehicle to a local mechanic shop or a dealership.

Why Should You Have a Brake Fluid Change?

Brake fluid is contained in a sealed system and can last for years, but air and moisture can find their way in through hoses and other parts of the braking system. If your brake fluid has become dirty or contaminated, it can affect your braking system's operation.

For instance, a dirty brake fluid may lead to a brake pedal that feels different, with pressure not according to specification. Moisture can reduce the boiling point of the fluid, greatly diminishing your stopping power. Over time, accumulated moisture can lead to internal corrosion in the brake lines, calipers, master cylinder, and other expensive braking components.

Benefits of Changing Your Brake Fluid

The main benefit of a brake fluid change is its vital role in stopping your vehicle, similar to how engine oil keeps your engine running. However, it doesn’t receive as much attention as regular oil changes.

While the cost for flushing and replacing brake fluid may be around $100, replacing rusted brake lines, rotors, calipers, pads, and other brake repairs can run into several hundred dollars. Clearly, scheduling a brake fluid change is a worthwhile investment.

A general rule of thumb is to have the brake fluid inspected and tested for moisture content every few years, and not more than five years. Drivers in areas with harsh winter weather should have more frequent brake system inspections. Moisture and contaminants in the fluid indicate it’s time for a brake fluid change.

when to change brake fluid question mark


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